In the last two days, the kick-off of the ProTego project was held at the Gfi Madrid offices. ProTego is a healthcare cybersecurity project funded by the European Commission and awarded to a consortium made up of technology companies, universities and hospitals, all from different countries (Spain, France, Belgium, UK, Italy and Israel). Gfi, besides being the company responsible and coordinator of the project, has a key role for its knowledge in the field of cybersecurity and for the functional knowledge of the health sector.
The duration of the project will be 36 months, beginning on January 1, 2019.
The consortium is made up of: Gfi Spain, University of Southhampton ( IT Innovation Centre), IBM Israel, Ospedale San Raffaele, Marina Salud, Universidad de Alcalá, Interuniversitair Micro-Electronica Centrum (imec), KU Leuven and Information Catalyst for Enterprise (ICE).